Go Red For Women…Wear Teal for PCOS!

While it is a common belief that cancer is the most common cause of death among women, it is actually heart disease. Approximately 33% of American women will die of heart disease or a complication of heart disease. There are several risk factors that put women at risk for heart disease including: obesity, poor diet, lack of good exercise habits, smoking and increased alcohol intake….sound familiar? Go Figure!

Risk Factors of Heart Disease:

1. PCOS: Having PCOS increases a woman’s chances of getting heart-related complications. This is due to the high insulin levels that have been associated with PCOS which increase the risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. All of these conditions can increase the risk for heart attack and stroke.

2. Hypertension: Blood pressure is a measure of the force of the blood moving through the blood vessels. When elevated, blood pressure can indicate that the heart is moving harder to circulate the blood. This can be caused by a hardening of the blood vessel walls from plaque accumulation or atherosclerosis. Insulin resistance and obesity are also linked to elevated blood pressure.

3. High Cholesterol : Having PCOS can put you at risk for high cholesterol and triglycerides and low levels of HDL (high density lipoproteins, or “good” cholesterol). Some cholesterol is a result of poor dietary intake, though our bodies also contribute significantly to ones cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of cholesterol is also one of the identifying factors of metabolic syndrome and can lead to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke.

4. Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is the build up of hard, fatty plaques in the arteries. This can damage the blood vessels and impede normal blood flow throughout the body. Without sufficient blood flow transporting nutrients and oxygen to the extremities and essential body organs, severe damage can occur.

So what can I…and all of you do to reduce the risk of developing heart disease later in life? I’m going to sound like a broken record but the solution is maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Even if you are one of those lucky individuals that is naturally skinny, you need to cut yiour intake of fats and sugar, and keep up with a daily exercise routine. Routine blood pressure and cholesterol monitoring are also important to make sure your levels are staying stable.  

Click here to visit the American Heart Association’s website for more information on heart disease.

Click here to learn more about the Go Red for Women campaign…and here to learn more about PCOS Awareness Month.

I’m Past Puberty…So Why Does My Skin Still Think It’s 12?

Just when it seemed like the horrible/awkward teenage years were over, my best buddy acne decided to make a re-appearance. Luckily I’m blessed with fairly good skin, but that doesn’t stop those obnoxious bumps from invading my hairline or other places on my face that are so easy to spot. What is the reasoning behind this? The answer….testosterone, more specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Many dermatologists believe that DHT stimulates the production of oil which eventually can lead to clogged glands or pores. Clogged pores can no longer release oil and allow bacteria to grow and multiply in the follicle, leading to inflammation.

Acne can be caused by several things, many of which are common in PCOS:

  • Hormonal imbalances – insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism
  • Diet high in refined, high-glycemic carbohydrates that increase insulin levels.
  • Heredity – genetic predisposition to PCOS.
  • Stress.
  • Medications- anabolic steroids, anti-epileptics, lithium and some oral contraceptives.
  • Industrial pollutants – petrochemicals such as machine oils, coal tar derivatives, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Over-washing or repeated rubbing of the skin.
  • Hormonal imbalances – increased progesterone secretion prior to menstruation.
  • Allergic reactions to foods.

Acne is most common in teenage years when the body is still getting used to all the hormone changes that come with puberty. One of the tell tale markers of PCOS is if the acne continues into the adult years, especially when accompanied by previously mentioned symptoms such as hirsutism or hair loss. Tests typically done in older women with acne problems are: serum levels of testosterone, DHEAS, LH, FSH, prolactin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and thyroid hormones. A two-hour glucose tolerance test with accompanying insulin levels should also be done.

Many PCOS women will have abnormal levels of one or more of these tests, although normal values do not rule out a PCOS diagnosis.

If any of these symptoms apply to you, talk to your doctor….it’s never too early for PCOS diagnosis, the sooner the better!

Click here to read more information on treatment of acne in PCOS.

Acupuncture and PCOS? I don’t know how I feel about that.

Here is an article that was published in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism in April 2011 on the effectiveness of acupunture in treating PCOS:

18 April 2011

A study recently published in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism concludes that low frequency electro-acupuncture improved menstrual frequency and balanced sex steroid levels in women with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Hyperandrogenism is a primary symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Hyperandrogenism is a medical disorder wherein excess androgens are produced. Primary symptoms are hirsutism (hair growing in areas where it would not normally occur), vertex alopecia (balding), deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass, acne of the chin, neck and thorax; and menstrual irregularities. Hyperandrogenism was measured in this study by determining the total concentration of testosterone, androgens, estrogens, androgen precursors, and glucuronidated androgen metabolites.

Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea are common problems associated with PCOS. The study measured that electro-acupuncture improved menstrual regularity in women with PCOS. The sex steroid levels in the electro-acupuncture group improved significantly and acne markedly decreased. The study measured improvements in a wide range of endocrine variables such that the researchers concluded that electro-acupuncture may help induce ovulation in women attempting to conceive since participants showed significant improvement in monthly menstrual frequency.

Acupuncture was applied to CV3, CV6, ST29, SP6, SP9, LI4, and P6. All needles were stimulated manually until a de qi sensation was achieved. Thirty minutes of 2 Hz electro-acupuncture was applied to CV6, CV6, ST29, SP6, and SP9 for each treatment. The intensity was adjusted to induce local muscle contractions while also remaining comfortable. LI4 and P6 were manually stimulated every 10 minutes to evoke sensation. Needle length ranged from 30 to 50mm and the diameter was 0.32mm. Needle depth ranged from 15 to 35mm. Acupuncture was administered twice per week for two weeks, one time per week for six weeks, and once every other week for eight weeks for a grand total of 14 acupuncture treatments over a 16 week period.

Elizabeth Jedel, Fernand Labrie, Anders Odén, Göran Holm, Lars Nilsson, Per Olof Janson, Anna-Karin Lind, Claes Ohlsson, and Elisabet Stener-Victorin. Impact of electro-acupuncture and physical exercise on hyperandrogenismand oligo/amenorrhea in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 300: E37–E45, 2011.

Click here to view a video on the practice of acupuncture for fertility.

Infertile Myrtle…PCOS & Pregnancy

PCOS is the most common cause of infertility among women, due to the absence of ovulation. Most women don’t find out they have PCOS until they try to become pregnant and are unsuccessful. Research has shown, however, that the symptoms of PCOS begin to appear before a girl has her first menstrual period.

What is Infertility?

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine defines infertility as the inability of a woman younger than age 30 to get pregnant after 12 months of having unprotected intercourse; the inability of a woman older than age 30 to get pregnant after 6 months of having unprotected intercourse; or the inability to carry a pregnancy to delivery. Most women with infertility related to PCOS can be treated and do become pregnant. However, some women with infertility related to PCOS will not respond to treatment and don’t become pregnant
Women with PCOS who do get pregnant are at higher risk for pregnancy complications.

Treatment Options for Women with PCOS Who Want to Have a Baby

When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was told that in my particular case, getting pregnant would be a very difficult process. The chances of me getting pregnant without help from fertility treatments will be highly unlikely. This is the case for many women like me who have PCOS, but there are some who are able to conceive on their own. Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, can trigger body changes that improve pregnancy rates. For many women with PCOS who want to get pregnant, health care providers will recommend weight loss and other lifestyle changes before adding medications to see if fertility returns and pregnancy occurs naturally. In one study, lifestyle changes alone restored ovulation and improved pregnancy rates. Here are some of the most common medications physicians use to improve fertility in women with PCOS:

  • Clomiphene (clomid): the most common treatment for infertility in women with PCOS. Women who received this treatment were six times more likely to get pregnant than women who didn’t get the treatment. Women treated with clomiphene were also more likely to have multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.).
  • Metformin: an insulin-sensitizing drug currently used to treat diabetes has proven to be successful in treatment of infertility associated with PCOS. The treatment successfully restarted ovulation in significantly higher numbers of women with PCOS than among those who didn’t get the treatment.
  • Gonadotropins: a category of hormones used to treat infertility in women with PCOS who do not respond to metformin or clomid. Low-dosage treatments have a high success rate and show fewer associated problems.
  • Women with PCOS can also try other forms of assistive reproductive technology, such as egg donation and in vitro fertilization.

A surgical procedure—called ovarian drilling—was sometimes used in the past to start regular ovulation or to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. However, it is not clear that such a procedure is actually more successful than medication for treating infertility in women with PCOS.

Pregnancy Complications in Women with PCOS

  • Miscarriage or early pregnancy loss
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Pre-eclampsia (sudden increase in blood pressure after 20 weeks)
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • Pre-term birth
  • Cesarean delivery

For more information on infertility, pregnancy and PCOS, please visit the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

What’s the Deal with Syndrome X?

Although it may sound like a villain out of a sci-fi movie, Syndrome X is anything but fiction. Syndrome X or Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors that occur together and increase the risk of coronary artery disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. This syndrome is found in many women who suffer from PCOS, but it can affect men as well. Researchers are not sure whether the syndrome is due to one single cause, but all of the syndrome’s risk factors are related to obesity.

Metabolic syndrome is associated with many conditions and risk factors. The two most important risk factors are:

  • Extra weight around the middle of the body (central obesity). The body may be described as “apple-shaped.”

  • Insulin resistance, in which the body cannot use insulin effectively. Insulin is needed to help control the amount of sugar in the body.

Risk Factors for Developing Syndrome X

  • aging
  • genetic predisposition
  • hormonal changes
  • lack of exercise

Signs and Tests for Syndrome X

According to the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, metabolic syndrome is present if you have three or more of the following signs:

  • Blood pressure equal to or higher than 130/85 mmHg
  • Fasting blood sugar (glucose) equal to or higher than 100 mg/dL
  • Large waist circumference (length around the waist):
    • Men – 40 inches or more
    • Women – 35 inches or more
  • Low HDL cholesterol:
    • Men – under 40 mg/dL
    • Women – under 50 mg/dL
  • Triglycerides equal to or higher than 150 mg/dL

Tests that may be done to diagnose metabolic syndrome include:

  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Glucose test
  • HDL cholesterol level
  • LDL cholesterol level
  • Total cholesterol level
  • Triglyceride level


The goal of treatment is to reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes or medicines to help reduce your blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and blood sugar.

Recommendations include:

  • Lose weight. The initial goal is to lose between 7 and 10% of your current weight. This generally means that you need to eat 500 – 1,000 fewer calories per day.
  • Get 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, such as walking, 5 – 7 days per week.
  • Lower your cholesterol using weight loss, exercise, and cholesterol lowering medications, if needed.
  • Lower your blood pressure using weight loss, exercise, and medications, if needed.
  • Some people may need daily low-dose aspirin.
  • People who smoke should quit.
Syndrome X (Metabolic Syndrome), if left untreated has the potential to cause many complications that will dramatically reduce your lifespan including atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart attack, kidney disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, peripheral artery disease, and stroke. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or any of these risk factors pertain to you, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR as soon as possible to start on treatment in order to prevent these devastating complications!

Here is a video that illustrates the effects of Syndrome X on the body:

Tips for Moms When PCOS Comes Knocking on Your Daughter’s Door

As I said previously, I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of fifteen, a critical time in my life. Getting this diagnosis as a teenager was a very difficult thing. I know that PCOS is not deadly, but there were many aspects of this disease that scared me: a lot more doctor’s appointments than I was used to, starting to see *gulp* a gynecologist, the possibility of not having children, the embarrassing symptoms, the feeling of not fitting in with my friends, depression, low-self-esteem, the list goes on and on. Dealing with the drama of being in high school and all that was bad enough, but to add this on top of it? I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for my mom.

My mom has always been my greatest support in everything I’ve gone through in my life, but she has been even more supportive of my PCOS. So I decided it would be a good idea to provide some advice to you moms that read this blog, because you never know if your daughter will have to face this as well.

1. A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way

To diagnose PCOS, the doctor can do an abdominal ultrasound to view the ovaries. This is less invasive than a pelvic exam, so you may want to suggest this option. However, if a pelvic exam is recommended, it can be a lot less scary if she knows what to expect. Give her a chance to ask you questions and be honest with your answers. Reassure her that she will be covered except where the doctor is doing the exam, and that there won’t be a lot of people in the room. Ask her whether she wants you to be in the room or waiting outside and whether she prefers if a man or a woman performs the exam. Having some control over the situation may help her cope with it better.
2. Get Involved!
While your teen daughter may still be a minor in the eyes of the law, supporting her includes involving her in the decision making process. Give her details about the disease and make sure that she has an opportunity to ask the doctor her questions as well. Discuss treatment options and let her voice her opinion. And, of course, listen to her concerns and make sure that they are addressed.
3. Get Some Support
There are a number of places that offer support groups for teens with PCOS. Meeting up with or talking with other young girls with the same concerns may help her feel not so alone. Of course, please do your own research and make sure that it is a safe and reputable group before encouraging your daughter to join. She may also be interested in a general PCOS group for women of all ages.
4. Finally…Be A Supporter
Never forget that you are your daughter’s number one source of information, support and love. Be there to listen, go running, or get manicures together. Use PCOS as an opportunity to enhance your relationship! My mom has done wonders for me in encouraging me to eat right and to exercise. She is also there to listen to me when I have having a down day or am upset for no reason.
Click here for a quiz to evaluate symptoms so you and your teenage daughter know what to discuss with the doctor

Jab…Cross…Uppercut…Hook–Kickboxing My Way to Healthy.

Weight loss has been the major recommendation by physicians for women with PCOS. Lifestyle modifications including stress reduction, exercise, and group support, along with a decrease in total energy intake, have had positive results. A weight decrease of only 5% of total body weight is associated with decreased insulin levels, increased fertility, reduced hirsuitism and acne, and lower free testosterone levels.

As I mentioned in a previous post, losing weight is really hard for me. I am a very active person, the only way I manage to stay sane through the chaos of work and school is the hour I get at the gym every day. I have found in my research that it is important to keep my stress levels low and to get enough exercise every day to reap the benefits for my heart and my body, even if my weight doesn’t change as quickly as I would like it to.

So what can I do that doesn’t bore me to death, gives me a good workout, and helps me release stress? The answer….KICKBOXING! I discovered this wonderful exercise when I was in high school and I fell in love immediately. Kickboxing provides an overall cardiovascular and resistance workout that aids with weight loss.


Aside from the physical benefits of kickboxing, I also get many emotional benefits. When I have a stressful day, there is nothing that makes me feel better than turning on some music and taking my frustrations out on a punching bag, or turning on a kickboxing video. There is something energizing about the punches and kicks, and when I master a combo, there’s no better feeling. The endorphins that are produced when I kickbox make me feel so light and happy that I forget about the pain. Research has also known that the endorphins released during exercise such as this can help relieve depression which is a common side effect of PCOS.

Here is a video of some basic kickboxing moves with the Biggest Loser trainer Cara Castronuova:

For more information on kickboxing, visit TryExtremeSport or check the class listings at your local gym

My Body is Fighting a Battle…Therefore So is My Mind

I have always prided myself on being able to put on a good front…most of the time. Even if I am a wreck on the inside, I can still act as if everything is normal…most of the time. When it comes to my PCOS, it is a losing battle. In a society and culture where pregnancy and motherhood is so valued, it’s hard for me to feel okay with the fact that I may never get the chance to give birth to a child of my own. I am the only one of my friends who is unmarried and one of three who does not have any children. Being around children of any age is such as blessing to me and I absolutely adore them, but there is a piece of my heart that breaks every time I hold a new baby. I feel inadequate because I worry I will never get the chance to have that new born be mine. I worry that no one will want to put up with the difficult journey I face in getting pregnant. I feel angry that I have to face this when all I have ever wanted to do in my life is be a mom. The emotions I feel go from one extreme to the other so frequently, I finally had to ask my doctor about depression.

Depression is one of the major side effects of depression for many reasons:

  • slightly elevated testosterone levels have been proven to be connected with extreme cases of depression (as opposed to extreme levels – high or low) which we see in PCOS
  • depression is also linked to Insulin Resistance and underactive thyroid conditions – both common among PCOS sufferers
  • problems associated with PCOS such as fertility issues, excess hair, weight and acne can also play a huge role in how you feel

What can you do to help avoid PCOS depression?

There are a number of natural methods you can use to help elevate your mood and try to maintain an “even keel”:

  • diet plays a huge part in all aspects of PCOS. While you may think chocolate and pizza will make you feel better, deep down you know that isn’t true. You should aim to eat plenty of fresh vegetables – especially green leafy vegetables – and nuts and seeds.
  • you may have a vitmain B deficiency (especially vitamin B6 and Folic Acid) so eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin B such as green leafy vegetables, avocado, Brazil nuts, oats and barley
  • Avoid processed sugars, caffeine and alcohol, all of which will worsen your mood
  • Get plenty of exercise – you may not like exercise but it is a natural mood lifter
  • Take a good Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplement which aids normal brain function
  • Increase your natural magnesium intake from foods such as legumes, whole grains, nuts and leafy green veg, as magnesium is required to maintain your serotonin levels (a hormone vital for mood regulation)
  • Consider taking a St John’s Wort supplement – a natural remedy that has been proven to aid mild to moderate depression. BUT, please consult your doctor before taking as St John’s Wort can affect the efficacy of other drugs and is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

The depressed feelings I get with my PCOS have yet to spiral into the kind of depression that seems inescapable. I have never had a suicidal thought, but I know there are some women who have. If you happen to be one of those women, please seek help immediately.  If your doctor is dismissive, then seek a second opinion or a referral. Do not let it drag on. Too often we listen to what our heads tell us about WHY we are feeling depressed and low but knowing the WHY does not solve the problem. Telling yourself to “buck up – it’s just the PCOS is not a solution. Listen to what your body and your emotions are telling you and respond accordingly.

Top 7 Diet Tops for PCOS

In order for me to fully understand why I had to be on a special diet to manage my PCOS, I had to understand the role of insulin in the body and in PCOS.

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone that is released by the pancreas in response to eating food – especially carbohydrates. It transports sugar out of the blood and into muscle, fat and liver cells, where it is converted to energy or stored as fat. Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance. This means that the process of getting the sugar out of the blood and into the cells is defective – the cells are “resistant” to insulin. The pancreas must secrete more and more insulin to get sugar out of the blood and into the cells. High levels of insulin or hyperinsulinemia, can wreak havoc in the body, causing any or all of the following conditions: polycystic ovaries, weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight, increased risk of heart disease by increasing LDL and triglycerides, decreasing HDL and increasing clotting factors. In addition, it can increase risk of diabetes by up to 40% by age 40.

Why Don’t The Typical “Low-fat” Weight Loss Diets Work?

Approximately 50 – 60% of women with PCOS are obese. It has been shown that losing even 5% of body weight can lead to an improvement in skin, regularity of menstrual cycles and decreased insulin levels. However many women with PCOS experience difficulty losing weight, possibly due to high insulin levels promoting fat storage. The standard low fat high carbohydrate weight loss diet may not be the best approach for women with PCOS. High intakes of carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates (ie. sweets, white bread, white rice, etc.) will quickly turn to sugar and cause elevated levels of insulin. Since high levels of insulin can cause a multitude of problems for women with PCOS, a better diet would be a low glycemic index diet. This is a diet that includes foods or combinations of foods that do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

The Top 7 Diet Tips for PCOS:

1. Eat Low Glycemic Index and Low Glycemic Load Foods

This allows for a slower absorption of glucose into the bloodstream resulting in less insulin production.

2. Eat Natural Based Foods

Processed foods are lacking in several essential nutrients and enzymes. Excess energy is expended to process the artificial additives in these foods.

3. Eat the “Good Fats”

Fish, avocado, nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fats which are particularly important because they have anti-inflammatory effects.

4. Drink the Right Liquids

Drink about 6-8 glasses of water per day. Avoid soft drinks and sodas with artificial sweeteners and caffeine as well as highly processed juices with artificial preservatives and sugar. Drinking teas like spearmint tea can lower testosterone levels which is a great help in managing PCOS.

5. Reduce or Avoid Dairy Products

Dairy foods independently stimulate insulin production which increases testosterone production leading to more acne and excess hair growth.

6. Focus on Protein & Vegetables

Aim for at least 3 servings a day of good quality, lean animal protein such as chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. Protein builds new cells in the body and maintains muscle mass. Eat as many servings of vegetables in a day as you can. Vegetables provide many nutrients, anti-oxidants and fiber.

7. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This has been shown to reduce insulin resistance, one of the main contributors to PCOS symptoms.

Here is a sample of the type of diet plan I have been on to manage my symptoms:

The following is a meal plan for: 1500 calories / 118 gm effective grams of carbohydrate

Breakfast: One oz. oatmeal (14 gm e.c.)
½ cup cottage cheese (3 gm e.c.)
½ cup blueberries (8 gm e.c.)
Total: 220 calories/ 25 gm e.c.
Lunch: Grilled chicken, 4 oz.
2 cups greens
1 cup assorted vegetables (approximately 5 gm e.c.)
½ cup kidney beans (14 gm e.c.)
1 apple (18 gm e.c.)
2 tsp olive oil, unlimited wine vinegar
Total: 490 calories/37 gm e.c.
Snack: 1 oz low fat mozzarella stick (1 gm e.c.)
6 Finn Crisp crackers (22 gm e.c.)
Total: 180 calories/23 gm e.c.
Dinner: Poached salmon, 5 oz
½ cup spinach (4 gm e.c.)
salad, 1 cup greens, ½ cup assorted vegetables (approximately 3 gm e.c.)
1 tsp olive oil, vinegar
½ cup brown rice (20 gm e.c.)
Total: 485 calories/ 27 gm e.c.
Snack: 1 oz. dry roasted soynuts ( 9 gm e.c.) Total: 134 calories/9 gm e.c.

For more information on PCOS diet tips visit the  SoulCysters community weight loss page.

Let Me Tell You a Story (I’m going to get a little personal here…be prepared)

I have an illness that affects many things in my life…fertility and my weight are affected the most. My body turns glucose into fat instead of energy like it should. The insulin resistance associated with this inhibits my body from breaking down fat. So in effect, my body makes excess fat but doesn’t burn it. I became aware of this issue when I gained 40 lbs in a matter of 3 months with no changes to my diet or exercise habits. This illness makes it incredibly difficult for me to lose weight no matter how hard I try. This isn’t an excuse, it’s the way my body is made. It’s backed by years of research. I have been told on many occasions that the chances of me having a baby on my own are very slim. This fact often makes me feel like less of a person, especially when I am around friends and family with children. Having this illness is a killer for my self-esteem. There are times when I worry that I am going to be alone for life because of this illness. There are times when the depression hurts so much I can’t get out of bed. Other times I can go from being happier than I’ve ever been to crying without knowing why. Then there’s the matter of the pain. I have had excrutiating cramps almost every day since I was 12 years old, whether I am on my period or not. If I am not on medication, I bleed continuously. Such is the story of millions of women like me. None of us did this to ourselves, the cause is still unknown.  It’s never cured, only managed by medications, diet and lifestyle changes and in some cases surgery. What is this illness? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

What is it?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an hormone disorder that affects as many as 1 out of 15 women. Hormones are chemical messengers that trigger many processes including growth and energy production. For reasons that are not well understood, in PCOS the hormones get out of balance. One hormone change triggers another, which changes another. For example:

  • The sex hormones get out of balance. Normally, the ovaries make a tiny amount of male sex hormones (androgens). In PCOS, they start making slightly more androgens. This may cause you to stop ovulating, get acne, and grow extra facial and body hair.
  • The body may have a problem using insulin, called insulin resistance. When the body doesn’t use insulin well, blood sugar levels go up. Over time, this increases your chance of getting diabetes.

This is what a polycystic ovary looks like:

This is PCOS

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Every woman with PCOS is different. Some may experience many symptoms, while some only experience one or two. The most common symptoms of PCOS are:

  • Acne
  • Weight gain and trouble losing weight
  • Extra hair on the face and body. Often women get thicker and darker facial hair and more hair on the chest, belly, and back
  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • Irregular periods. Often women with PCOS have fewer than nine periods a year. Some women have no periods. Others have very heavy bleeding
  • Fertility problems. Many women who have PCOS have trouble getting pregnant
  • Depression
  • Most women with PCOS grow small cysts (fluid filled sacs) in their ovaries. These are not harmful, but they are painful, especially when ruptured. It is these cysts that lead to hormone imbalance.

How is it Treated?

Regular exercise, healthy foods, and weight control are key treatments for PCOS. Medicines to balance hormones may also be used. Getting treatment can reduce unpleasant symptoms and help prevent long-term health problems.

The first step in managing PCOS is to get regular exercise and eat heart-healthy foods. This can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It can also help you lose weight if you need to.

  • Try to fit in moderate activity and/or vigorous activity on a regular basis. Walking is a great exercise that most people can do.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet. In general, this diet has lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and whole grains. It also limits foods that are high in saturated fat, such as meats, cheeses, and fried foods. If you have blood sugar problems, try to eat about the same amount of carbohydrate at each meal. A registered dietitian can help you make a meal plan.
  • Most women who have PCOS can benefit from losing weight. Even losing 10 lb  may help get your hormones in balance and regulate your menstrual cycle. PCOS can make it hard to lose weight, so work with your doctor to make a plan that can help you succeed.
  • If you smoke, consider quitting. Women who smoke have higher androgen levels that may contribute to PCOS symptoms.  Smoking also increases the risk for heart disease.

If you are like me and struggle with this disease, remember you are not alone. There are support groups all over the world for women just like us. Websites such as SoulCysters provide a community of women sharing experiences and advice about PCOS. Together we can overcome!